Я очень много слышал о серии "Автостопом по Галактике" Дугласа Адамса, но до сего момента мое знакомство с этим миром ограничивалось исключительно симпатичной экранизацией Гарта Дженнингса. Однако с каждым годом во мне все крепче зрело желание поближе познакомиться с первоисточником и, наконец, воспользовавшись случаем, я одолжил у друга книжку с первыми двумя романами.
Предвкушая продолжение недели уютных английских романов, начатой "Вором времени" и "Исчезающим гномом", я поудобнее устроился на диване и... и что-то меня не вставило. Совсем. Первый роман еще прошел более-менее, но вот во втором меня не переставало покидать ощущение, что я упускаю что-то очень важное. Почитав отзывы к "Ресторану", я получил подтверждение своим подозрениям и, чтобы окончательно убедиться в них, полез в интернет и стал сравнивать оригинальную версию "Ресторана" и версию в переводе В.Генкина и С.Силаковой, публикуемой в изданиях от АСТ.
Ниже я привожу отрывки из оригинала и нашего перевода. Комментарии, как мне кажется, излишни.
Жирным выделены отрывки, отсутствующие в русском переводе.
цитатаIt mattered little to him that the Heart of Gold, with its Infinite Improbability Drive, was the most beautiful and revolutionary ship ever built. Aesthetics and technology were closed books to him and, had he had his way, burnt and buried books as well.It mattered even less to him that Zaphod Beeblebrox was aboard. Zaphod Beeblebrox was now the ex-President of the Galaxy, and though every police force in the Galaxy was currently pursuing both him and this ship he had stolen, the Vogon was not interested.
He had other fish to fry.
It has been said that Vogons are not above a little bribery and corruption in the same way that the sea is not above the clouds, and this was certainly true in his case. When he heard the words "integrity" or "moral rectitude", he reached for his dictionary, and when he heard the chink of ready money in large quantities he reached for the rule book and threw it away.
In seeking so implacably the destruction of the Earth and all that therein lay he was moving somewhat above and beyond the call of his professional duty. There was even some doubt as to whether the said bypass was actually going to be built, but the matter had been glossed over.
He grunted a repellent grunt of satisfaction.
"Computer," he croaked, "get me my brain care specialist on the line."
цитатаВпрочем, достоинства «Золотого сердца» оставляли капитана вогонского корабля равнодушным. Как эстетика, так и техника были для него книгами за семью печатями. Еще меньше занимал Джельца тот факт, что на борту «Золотого сердца» находился экс-Президент Галактики Зафод Библброкс, за которым охотилась вся галактическая полиция. У капитана были дела поважнее.Джельц удовлетворенно хрюкнул.
— Компьютер, — пробурчал он гнусным голосом, — соедини меня с моим психиатром.
цитатаAt that precise moment Zaphod Beeblebrox was in his cabin swearing very loudly. Two hours ago, he had said that they would go for a quick bite at the Restaurant at the End of the Universe, whereupon he had had a blazing row with the ship's computer and stormed off to his cabin shouting that he would work out the Improbability factors with a pencil.The Heart of Gold's Improbability Drive made it the most powerful and unpredictable ship in existence. There was nothing it couldn't do, provided you knew exactly how improbable it was that the thing you wanted it to do would ever happen.
He had stolen it when, as President, he was meant to be launching it. He didn't know exactly why he had stolen it, except that he liked it.
He didn't know why he had become President of the Galaxy, except that it seemed a fun thing to be.
He did know that there were better reasons than these, but that they were buried in a dark, locked off section of his two brains. He wished the dark, locked off section of his two brains would go away because they occasionally surfaced momentarily and put strange thoughts into the light, fun sections of his mind and tried to deflect him from what he saw as being the basic business of his life, which was to have a wonderfully good time.
At the moment he was not having a wonderfully good time. He had run out of patience and pencils and was feeling very hungry.
"Starpox!" he shouted.
At that same precise moment, Ford Prefect was in mid air. This was not because of anything wrong with the ship's artificial gravity field, but because he was leaping down the stair-well which led to the ship's personal cabins. It was a very high jump to do in one bound and he landed awkwardly, stumbled, recovered, raced down the corridor sending a couple of miniature service robots flying, skidded round the corner, burst into Zaphod's door and explained what was on his mind.
"Vogons," he said.
цитатаВ этот момент Зафод Библброкс сидел у себя в каюте и изрыгал громогласные проклятия. Два часа назад он объявил, что они отправляются перекусить в ресторан «У конца Вселенной», после чего вдрызг разругался с бортовым компьютером и заявил, что всякие там факторы невероятности сможет рассчитать сам на любом клочке бумаги. Вконец истощив терпение и сломав карандаш, он ощутил, что чудовищно проголодался.— Вошь астероидная! — рычал он, комкая бумагу.
В каюту пулей влетел Форд Префект.
— Вогоны! — объявил он.
цитата"So that's it, is it?" said the Nutri-Matic when he had finished."Yes," said Arthur, "that is what I want."
"You want the taste of dried leaves boiled in water?"
"Er, yes. With milk."
"Squirted out of a cow?"
"Well, in a manner of speaking I suppose ..."
"I'm going to need some help with this one," said the machine tersely. All the cheerful burbling had dropped out of its voice and it now meant business.
"Well, anything I can do," said Arthur.
"You've done quite enough," the Nutri-Matic informed him.
It summoned up the ship's computer.
"Hi there!" said the ship's computer.
The Nutri-Matic explained about tea to the ship's computer. The computer boggled, linked logic circuits with the Nutri-Matic and together they lapsed into a grim silence.
Arthur watched and waited for a while, but nothing further happened.
He thumped it, but still nothing happened.
Eventually he gave up and wandered up to the bridge.
In the empty wastes of space, the Heart of Gold hung still. Around it blazed the billion pinpricks of the Galaxy. Towards it crept the ugly yellow lump of the Vogon ship.
цитата— Это все? — спросил нутримат, когда Артур замолчал.— Все, — согласился Артур. — Все, что мне нужно.
— Вам нужны сушеные листья, вываренные в кипятке?
— Да. Но с молоком.
— Извлеченным из коровы?
— В каком-то смысле…
— Один я не справлюсь, — заключил агрегат.
— Я готов сделать все, что в моих силах, — предложил Артур.
— Вы свое уже сделали, — отрезал агрегат. И немедленно связался с бортовым компьютером.
Компьютер воспринял информацию о чае и, потрясенный до самых глубин материнской платы, подсоединил свои логические схемы к нутримату. Оба погрузились в мрачное безмолвие. Звездолет «Золотое сердце» недвижно завис посреди бескрайнего космоса. И все ближе и ближе подбирался к нему желтобокий уродливый вогонский корабль.
цитата"Something up?" said Arthur."Hey, didja hear that?" muttered Zaphod as he leapt now for the manual controls of the Infinite Improbability Drive, "the monkey spoke!"
The Improbability Drive gave two small whines and then also cut out.
"Pure history, man," said Zaphod, kicking the Improbability Drive, "a talking monkey!"
"If you're upset about something ..." said Arthur.
"Vogons!" snapped Ford, "we're under attack!"
цитата— Что-нибудь случилось? — спросил Артур.— Слыхали? — пробормотал Зафод, одним прыжком перемахнув через рубку — к пульту ручного управления невероятностной тягой. — Обезьяна заговорила!
Невероятностный двигатель жалобно проскулил два раза и замер.
— Я вижу, вы чем-то расстроены, — сказал Артур.
— Вогоны! — огрызнулся Форд. — Нас атакуют вогоны!
И это я еще дальше начала третьей главы не залезал.